Dependence on foreign oil funds terrorism
Dependence on foreign oil funds terrorism
We, as Americans, finance terrorism. That is the ugly truth that no one else will tell you. A portion of each dollar we spend on gas and fossil fuel ends up in terrorist hands. And they use it to buy weapons of mass destruction that kill thousands.
As we enrich the oil producers in the Middle East by importing oil, they in turn funnel part of that money to the terrorists. If not for oil money, terrorists who today can instill fear in whole nations across the globe would only be tiny groups of poorly armed angry men stuck in the Middle East.
As a nation, we need to drill for more domestic oil, develop alternative energy, and enact a plan to decrease and finally end importing oil from “terrorist” countries. Then we will have made real strides toward ending terrorism.
Leighton Loo
White House threat? Not really
There sure is a lot of fuss over nothing.
A man got onto the White House lawn. An officer determined, correctly, that the man was not a threat and let him run to the door. The Secret Service, proud of its discretion, waited until he was in the vestibule and quietly arrested him. No harm no foul. He had a pocket knife in his pocket and owns guns and ammunition — so do most American men. The man is now in custody and obviously needs help. End of story.
Ken Obenski